The operating manual is a document that cannot be dispensed with when using equipment of almost any complexity. This manual contains instructions for the installation, use and repair of equipment, a list of the parts that make up a particular device, as well as information on what skills you need to have to use it effectively.
There is an opinion that translating operating instructions is an easy task, because they mainly consist of simple, short and understandable sentences. However, in reality, not everything is so simple, and the translator latin to english has to take into account several important factors when working.
First, this is the audience for which the instruction is intended, that is, whether these people are experts in this field or not. This will determine how complex the instruction language will be.
Secondly, one should take into account the specific syntax of instructions, which, for the most part, consist of short sentences in the imperative mood, each of which is a logical continuation of the other. It is important to follow this sequence so that the user can perform all the necessary actions correctly.
Thirdly, it is necessary to correctly translate the inscriptions and designations on the diagrams, drawings and figures in order to avoid confusion.
Fourth, the localization of instructions plays an important role in translation, that is, their adaptation to the culture of the country of the translating language, which is especially important when translating operating manuals for equipment supplied abroad in order to expand economic ties.
An important requirement for an operating manual is its modernity and completeness. It should not imply any additions or corrections directly in the course of the translator’s work, since otherwise, it may be necessary to rework everything that has already been done, which means unnecessary time expenditures, and therefore the translator must be coordinated with customer work details. Another reason for this is that different companies may use different terminology, and in such cases the translator must adhere to a certain system of terms. Sometimes clients create such databases themselves, but it also happens that translation bureaus have to do it themselves.
Translation of instructions is an important matter, because without these manuals, you would have to spend too much time and effort on understanding how a particular device works and what needs to be done with it. Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly and accurately convey all the necessary information of the operating manual in order to work with the equipment without interruptions, for a long time and with high quality.