A professional translator can surprise you with the speed of his work on translate english to french. However, it happens that the customer requests the translation in an extremely short time. On average, an experienced translator translates about 10 pages per day. If the translator exceeds this norm, then his translation is considered urgent in most agencies.
The translation time includes the time for acquaintance, analysis of the source text and the process of performing the translation itself.
Urgent translation performed by one translator is performed overtime, that is, it is done at night, on weekends or holidays. The human factor must be taken into account here, because the long-term accelerated productivity of one translator affects the quality decrease. In addition, such work will have a detrimental effect on the health of the translator. Another reason for the extra charge can be the assignment of a high priority to your translation, which will shift the lead time for other orders. Therefore, when ordering an urgent translation of one s
pecialist, you need to be prepared for a mark-up, which in different agencies and under different circumstances can range from 20 to 100%.
The translation process can also be accelerated by splitting the source text between translators. This will allow each of the specialists to work efficiently, bypassing the increase in translation rates. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of composition and uniform translation style.
Another way to avoid the urgency surcharge is to choose machine translation, that is, automatic translation. In this case, the work of the translator consists only in editing and assigning adequacy to the text.
So, we looked at three ways to get an urgent translation. According to the first method, the translation will be completed, meeting all your requirements and language standards as soon as possible, however, its cost will be much higher. The second and third methods will significantly save your money, however, they may require additional adjustments if you want to get the perfect result.