There is no single answer here, everyone has their own advantages. Adolescents immerse themselves in the language environment and translating filipino to english more emotionally, they respond vividly to game situations, this activates memorization processes. Subjectively, training is perceived by them as less energy-consuming.
Adults, when studying Chinese, analyzing its vocabulary, structure and writing, appeal to their knowledge base, including in the field of culture and history. This helps to understand some patterns, draw parallels, accept the unusual simplicity of grammatical structures and non-obvious, sometimes paradoxical, rules.
It can be said that teenagers, when learning Chinese, rely more on intuition, while adults rely more on logic. In adults, volitional qualities are more developed and they are able to perceive much more significant amounts of information.
It would seem that the advantages are on the side of adult students? But no! After all, students have a head start in time. By continuing their education, by a certain age they will know the language better and use it more actively. In addition, by the time they enter a university, they can consciously choose a department of sinology, and it will be much easier for them to study than for unprepared students.
The rule of learning foreign languages and translating urdu to english – “the sooner the better” – is difficult to dispute, although with clear motivation, proper teaching and due diligence, a person can learn to speak Chinese at any age.