A specialist in this area must know the grammar and punctuation of the two languages at once with which he works at the highest level. In addition, it is important to have a good written style. It is necessary that the spanish translator can not only correctly interpret words and phrases in the desired language, but also find analogues that are missing in it.
You must be able to correctly translate abbreviations, abbreviations, as well as allusions and omissions. Each language has its own. In addition, it is necessary to perfectly understand the style of the text being presented.
The specialist must have a good command of the languages with which he works. He must be able to accurately capture and convey the linguistic and semantic shades of the translated material. Its task is not always to convey the text word for word. He must interpret the material with the most correct message of meaning. Even small inaccuracies in the presentation are allowed.
It can be said that a translator works in a “one-dimensional” aspect. The source of his activity is the words written on paper. The result is similar words, also written down on paper.
Simplifies the work of a translator that he has enough time to search and select words, think and check his work. In addition, he has the opportunity to use various auxiliary materials (dictionaries, glossaries and other sources on the topic).
A translator is free to manage his own work. He can take a break at a convenient time for himself. We can say that this specialist works in a psychologically comfortable environment.